Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Army Ants :: essays research papers
     A quote make by Lewis Thomas, "Ants are so more than akin human bes as tobe an embarrassment. They farm fungus, raise aphids as livestock, piece armiesinto war, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, and exchangeinformation ceaselessly. They do everything but watch television." I am goingto focus this report on the part of the quote, "..launch armies into war..,"which ascertains a metaphor of ants and our armies in todays society. Ants take a shit manytactics, so to speak, that are similar to the way our armies have when going towar.     Ants have many diametrical roles in their society. One of the main rolesthat multitude ants or soldier ants have is that they forage in masses for food.These masses of ants travel together and are subject to overcome and capture othersocial insects and oversize anthropoids, they may occasionally kill larger animalsbut they do not eat them. As the deprivation for food for the larvae increases, foodgathering raids become more intense.     The hunting raids made by ants are carried unwrap by "armies" of thousandsof ants and set pop from the bivouac in various directions. They form two orthree parties going off simultaneously in antithetical directions for 100 yards ormore. In the U.S. armament we dishonour countries in different areas to weaken theforce we are attacking. We send out thousands of army in various directionsand try to surround the source of the location being attacked. For instance, ifthere are several locations that needed to be attacked to weaken the enemy, liketheir weapon storage or air force base, we send several sets of troops to attackeach individual location. This is very similar to the way army ants set out on ahunting raid. They will send out thousands of ants at once in two or threedifferent directions.     When ants go out on their raids, a subgroup called Dorgline ant s, walkalong margins of the leads as though protecting the smaller individuals in thecenter. Dorglines are large soldiers that broaden the trail where it follows anarrow ledge of bark and twigs or smooth the path where it crosses a rough plateand they do this with their own body. They do this because footing for the largeants is better along the margins than in the midst of dense mass of scurryingants.     When the army wants to invade or occupy a county, they usually will setup aircraft carriers in the surrounding oceans and set up air forces in dwell countries. They do this to protect the inside forces of troops andArmy Ants essays research cover     A quote made by Lewis Thomas, "Ants are so much like human beings as tobe an embarrassment. They farm fungus, raise aphids as livestock, launch armiesinto war, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, and exchangeinformation ceaselessly. They do everything but watch television.& quot I am goingto focus this report on the part of the quote, "..launch armies into war..,"which sets a metaphor of ants and our armies in todays society. Ants have manytactics, so to speak, that are similar to the way our armies have when going towar.     Ants have many different roles in their society. One of the main rolesthat army ants or soldier ants have is that they forage in masses for food.These masses of ants travel together and are able to overcome and capture othersocial insects and large anthropoids, they may occasionally kill larger animalsbut they do not eat them. As the need for food for the larvae increases, foodgathering raids become more intense.     The hunting raids made by ants are carried out by "armies" of thousandsof ants and set out from the bivouac in various directions. They form two orthree parties going out simultaneously in different directions for 100 yards ormore. In the U.S. army we attack coun tries in different areas to weaken theforce we are attacking. We send out thousands of troops in various directionsand try to surround the source of the location being attacked. For instance, ifthere are several locations that needed to be attacked to weaken the enemy, liketheir weapon storage or air force base, we send several sets of troops to attackeach individual location. This is very similar to the way army ants set out on ahunting raid. They will send out thousands of ants at once in two or threedifferent directions.     When ants go out on their raids, a subgroup called Dorgline ants, walkalong margins of the trails as though protecting the smaller individuals in thecenter. Dorglines are large soldiers that broaden the trail where it follows anarrow ledge of bark and twigs or smooth the path where it crosses a rough plateand they do this with their own body. They do this because footing for the largeants is better along the margins than in the midst of de nse mass of scurryingants.     When the army wants to invade or occupy a county, they usually will setup aircraft carriers in the surrounding oceans and set up air forces inneighboring countries. They do this to protect the inside forces of troops and
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